2049 Chinese

Chapter Overview

The first 6 of 30 chapters

(See also the ChatGPT Art Gallery)

1. Digital Communication and Media Literacy


1. Essential Communication Apps

2. Navigation and Travel Apps

3. Social Media Platforms

4. E-commerce and Online Shopping

5. Online Payment Systems

6. Local News and Information Sources

7. Online Entertainment and Streaming

8. Cultural Etiquette in Digital Communication

9. Digital Marketing and Online Trends

10. Cybersecurity and Data Privacy

11. Remote Work Tools and Platforms

12. Digital Literacy in a Global Context


2. Navigating Travel in China


1. Pre-Departure Preparations

2. Navigating Airports and Air Travel

3. Arrival in China

4. From Airport to Accommodation

5. Hotel Check-In and Accommodation

6. Urban Transportation

7. Exploring by Car

8. Rail Travel

9. Cultural and Tourist Attractions

10. Inter-City and Long-Distance Travel

11. Beyond the City – Exploring Rural and Coastal Areas

12. Communicating in Different Regions


3. Chinese Dining: Language and Etiquette


1. Basic Restaurant Phrases

2. Menu Reading and Food Orders

3. Special Dietary Needs

4. Beverages and Ordering Drinks

5. Dining Etiquette and Customs

6. Paying and Tipping Practices

7. Understanding Regional Cuisine Differences


4. Exploring Chinese Markets and Culinary Diversity


1. Market Shopping Language

2. Vegetable and Fruit Market

3. Meat Market Language

4. Other Food Markets

5. Street Food and Casual Dining

6. Local Cuisine Specialties by Region

7. Cooking Methods, Kitchen Vocabulary and Recipe Phrases


5. Clothing, Shopping, and Negotiating


1. Understand clothing and fashion terms

2. Shopping vocabulary

3. Market Bargaining Vocabulary

4. Sizes, Measurements and Fittings

5. Shoe and accessory vocabulary

6. Seasonal Shopping and Fashion Trends

7. Cultural aspects of clothing

8. Fabric and Material Language

9. Shopping for Special Occasions

10. Customer Service Interactions

11. Sustainable and ethical fashion


6. Leisure, Entertainment, Sports, and Games


1. Entertainment and nightlife vocabulary

2. TV Shows and Series

3. Sports and Fitness Terms

4. Traditional and Modern Games

5. Music and Dance

6. Leisure Activities

7. Literary and Book Club Discussions

8. Outdoor and Adventure Activities

9. Cultural and Artistic Activities

10. Events and ticketing

11. Social gatherings and parties

12. Leisure Technology


7. Coming soon…



