TriplePlayer – Download

Download (170 MB)

After you download the file, follow these steps to get started with TriplePlayer:

Unzip the file: Locate the file you downloaded, usually in your Downloads folder. Right-click the file and select Extract All or Unzip (the exact option may vary depending on your operating system). Select where you want to extract the files and confirm.

Open the HTML file: Navigate to the folder where you extracted the files. Locate the HTML file named TriplePlayerX.html and double-click it. This will open the TriplePlayer in your default web browser.

Load the video and subtitle files: On the TriplePlayer interface, you’ll see buttons on the left side of the screen. Use these to load your video and subtitle files:
Video button: Click this first to select and load your video file (.MP4 format).

SRT1, SRT2 and SRT3 buttons: Click these to load up to three subtitle files (.SRT format). If you are learning Chinese, be sure to load the Chinese subtitle file into the SRT1 slot. This is important for features like the Pleco button to work properly.

Now you’re ready to watch your video with TriplePlayer, using multiple subtitles to enhance your language learning experience.